Bringing over 30 years of experience to providing you with sound, reliable financial advice to help you achieve financial independence and peace of mind.



Sonia LeRoyCFP®, RFP, RIS, B.A. Hons (Econ)

Senior Wealth Advisor

As a Senior Wealth Advisor with LeRoy Wealth Management Group, IPC Securities, Sonia leads families to achieve financial peace of mind and align their money with their values. With over 30 years of fi...
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Adrian LeRoyRIS, B.A. Hons (Econ)

Wealth Advisor

As a Wealth Advisor with LeRoy Wealth Management Group, IPC Securities Corporation, Adrian helps individuals and families achieve financial peace of mind by delivering innovative solutions that align ...
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Kay Mistry

Investment Associate

As a securities licensed Investment Associate for the LeRoy Wealth Management Group, Kay is responsible for our office's administration, managing our team's records and data integrity processes and cl...
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Rowan HughesRIS

Associate Advisor

As an Associate Advisor, as well as certified responsible investment specialist (RIS), Rowan works with clients to align their money with their values to make their goals a reality. Rowan specializes ...
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Robbie Hughes

Administrative Assistant

Robbie supports the team’s managed portfolio due diligence process. He also conducts client portfolio analytics for the senior wealth advisor. And, he generally supports the LeRoy Wealth Management Gr...
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Supporting the communities within which we work


At IPC, we built IPC Cares to bring together the various efforts we make towards enhancing the communities within which we operate. By adopting causes that are close to our hearts, we keep ourselves committed and accountable.

Last year alone, as a company, we supported the aid efforts on the Fort McMurray fires, palliative care through The Healing Cycle Foundation and women and children through The Salvation Army.

Perhaps the most significant effort we undertake, and one that we believe is representative of the kind of work that inspires and keeps us committed to our Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) efforts, is the community development project in Honduras with The Carpenteros & Friends. Last year’s project involved a group of IPC staff and Advisors volunteering their time and energy on the ground. Very little is as inspiring and rewarding as living the lives of the people you’re helping, and every one of the people who took the journey came back a changed person, even more determined to stay committed to making a difference in the world!

We also made countless small but significant contributions of our time and resources within our communities through many grassroots charities we believe in, and the ripple effects of their efforts are always rewarding.


Sonia interviewed by Betty-Anne Howard, a driving force behind Philanthropic Businesses ...Click here to watch it.


Sonia has been volunteering over the past year as a martial arts therapist with Kid’s kicking cancer. As a karate black belt Sonia teaches breathing, visualization, and relaxation techniques, in addition to traditional martial arts moves, to help empower the children and provide them with a sense of power, peace, and purpose.

Click here to learn more about the organization: